Thursday, May 6, 2010

1. Combat Global Warming. Saving red pandas is important because they are anambassador for clean air and water for approximately 1 billion people on our planet. The forests where red panda live are the lungs of South Asia and if these forests are intact and function properly, just like a humans lungs, then we can ensure a healthy life for the people, animals and plants of South Asia.

2. Ecological integrity of South Asia. The mountain chains of the Eastern Himalaya and parts of southwestern China, where red panda are found, are the origin of South Asia’s three largest rivers, the Brahmaputra, Ganges and Yangtse, which provide water for half of China, northern and northwestern India, Nepal, Tibet Autonomous Region of China, Bhutan and Myanmar. According to conservation biologists, red panda are an indicator of the overall health of their home, the Eastern Himalayan Broadleaf Forest, which are the central link in the Himalayan Hotspot. However, the exact population status of this elusive and endangered animal is currently unknown. By not knowing the status of this population we are unsure of the future of one of the most important ecological regions of our planet. By helping us in our mission to protect red panda you are enabling us to create an empowering future for one of the most important regions of our
planet, South Asia.

3. They have unique biology. Also, protecting red panda is important to the preservation of the World’s natural heritage and global biodiversity because it is the only species of its kind in the world. It is unique in its behavior and specialized in its habitat requirements, as well as the fact that they have no close living relatives. They are a living relict of times past.


Become A Red Panda Ranger

You can become Red Panda Ranger! Red Panda Ranger is a special title given to children who help spread the word about red pandas. Red pandas are almost extinct in the western portion of their range. We are working to stop the destruction of their habitat in Nepal and India. Help us continue our work by adopting one of the beautiful red panda found in our work area.

Every penny counts in our work to ensure a secure future for the red panda, and the people that depend on its home for survival. It costs $1 a day to feed a Nepalese family of four.

Today you can have a tremendous impact on the survival of the red panda by becoming a member of the Red Panda Project. It costs $1 a day to feed a Nepalese family of four. Imagine how much good your gift of $25 can do! Everyone who donates $25 or more to the Red Panda Project will automatically become a member. By renewing your commitment every year, you stand with us in our belief that the most successful conservation projects must ensure long-lasting results for the ecosystems and species that they aim to protect.Each of our members receives a one-year subscription to our quarterly newsletter.


Help Save The Red Panda

Well my first post is "Help Save The Red Panda", I love animals and the world would be a lot sadder with out them! So join me and others in helping the Red Panda.

